Southern Water Services are one of the largest water and wastewater companies in the South East of England. They supply nearly 532 million litres of drinking water every day to more than two million customers and treat and recycle 717 million litres of wastewater for more than four million customers in Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

They work together with their customers and local communities to provide a sustainable, high-quality water and wastewater service that helps create a resilient future for water in the South East. That’s where Surrey Translation Bureau (STB) come in.

STB have been working with Southern Water since 2015 translating a variety of information documents from English into several different languages.

Southern water water for life campaign

“Surrey Translation Bureau and Southern Water have been working together for a number of years and they have provided an excellent service translating our Affordability leaflets and Priority Services leaflets into a range of languages, such as Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian and Chinese. This has allowed Southern Water to reach out and engage with hard-to-reach communities and provide extra support and advice.”

Fluid communication

To offer a more tailored service and support to their customers who don’t have English as their first language, Southern Water engage us to help get essential documents translated in the languages of their customers. From crucial information about their bills to details of additional support they can avail, the translations we do reflect the personal approach Southern Water provide to their customers. Some of the texts we have translated include leaflets about financial assistance and registering for Southern Water’s Priority Service. Here’s an example of a letter we translated that highlights how our client goes out of their way to support their customers:

A perfect flow

For nearly a decade we have worked with the client to offer different linguistic services, including translation, revision and DTP, ensuring they get a complete package, tailored to their needs. We have a clear flow of communication with them and value them greatly as a client.

We hope the collaboration continues to run smoothly for years to come.